to light / to see

In the midst of unprecedented circumstance, we are faced with how to reconfigure our lives while also releasing control.

Somewhere between the echoes of introspection and the vulnerability of re/connection, we are considering our own capacities while also questioning what was/is normal for ourselves and society.

As photographers, we absorb, interpret and reflect on life through measures of time and light. In these moments of instability, we may find ourselves likened to a camera-obscura; a darkened enclosure allowing light to enter only through a small opening, affecting us inside by projecting that which is ever- changing outside. While we remain in development, unfixed, the light is fleeting. This selection of image-based works is a refraction of the ephemeral luminance we each encounter, an honest letter from the universe we are still learning to decode, a testament to the light we leave behind for others.

This exhibition by UofSC SVAD Photo students includes works by Alyssa Leigh Thorn, Zack Spencer, Jared Rubinson, Coleman Rojahn, Joshua Robinson, Mary Catherine O’Neil, Zach McKinley, Mary Jo Gebrosky, Dalton Gantt, Rogelio Jr. Favila, Chance Eller, Ponder Davis, David Chen, and Collin Byrne.

April 2020

Follow UofSC Photo on Instagram: @uofsc_photo


Alyssa Leigh Thorn
Within the Veil, We Find Ourselves

Zack Spencer
Delight and Depravity

Jared Rubinson
Self Portrait

Coleman Rojahn

Joshua Robinson
In a World Moving a Little Too Fast

Mary Catherine O’Neil
Love Tons,

Zach McKinley

Mary Jo Gebrosky
Images Over Time

Dalton Gantt
Round About the Cauldron Go

Rogelio Jr. Favila
Tres Generaciones

Chance Eller

Ponder Davis

David Chen

Collin Byrne
Empty Spaces