Mary Jo Gebrosky
Images Over Time
This series comes through an interest in lens-less images. It is a means to further explore a personal interest in dreamtime memories and solitary contemplations over time and across space. They are all long exposures, ranging from 5 days to 4 months, and captured on light sensitive paper. It is the notion of time, isolation, and security as well as a foreshadowing of something about to change.
Things change in an instant. What was once quiet, still and serene become isolation, separation, and seclusion. And always hope.
Keyhole, Pinhole image, 5 day exposure, 2019
Emerald Shadow, Pinhole image, scanned paper negative, 50 day exposure, 2020
Grand View, Pinhole image, scanned paper negative, 7 day exposure, 2019
Equinox, Pinhole image, scanned paper negative, 50 day exposure, 2020
Porch View, Pinhole image, 7 day exposure, 2019
Path, Pinhole image, 7 day exposure, 2020
Quarantine, Pinhole image, 119 day exposure, 2020
Solstice, Pinhole image, 30 day exposure, 2020
Domed, Pinhole image, 7 day exposure, 2019
Disrupted, Pinhole image, 30 day exposure, 2020
Hope, Pinhole image, 50 day exposure, 2020