We’re always up to something at the School of Visual Art and Design.
Whether you're a prospective student, current student, alum, visiting artist, or just plain curious about the happenings at the School of Visual Art and Design, you are welcome to join us for our events and exhibitions and share in our passion for creativity.

The University of South Carolina is one of a select group of universities to earn the Carnegie top-tier designation in both research activity and community engagement. According to national publications like Kiplinger’s Inc., Forbes and U.S. News and World Report, our programs stack up against the best in the nation and around the world.

SVAD Student Virtual Studio
Our online exhibition space for student work.

See what our programs have to offer.
Video by Jonathan Furnell, B.A. ‘18
Visit our campus, in-person or online.

Connect with SVAD: @uofsc_svad